The National Commission for Civil Edu­cation (NCCE) has apprenticed the accessible to cross-check the accurateness of informa­tion they see on amusing media platforms during this acclamation period

According to the Director of Programmes of the NCCE, Dr Imurana Mohammed, there is a billow in misinformation, bamboozlement and abhorrence accent on amusing media

Speaking at the barrage on Acclamation 2024 accord attack in Accra at the weekend, he said, this was so because of the ability of amusing media and how accessible it could be acclimated to advance information

The campaign, spearheaded by Time To Think Foundation (TTTF), a Ghanaian-based non-profit organisation, and the NCCE was on the theme; 'Unity in Diversity: Architecture a Peaceful Autonomous Future.' Dr Mohammed acclaimed that, the attack approved to pro­mote tolerance, borough apprenticeship and abandon acknowledgment strat­egies amid the accessible in the advance up to the acclamation through ca­pacity building, advocacy, aware­ness conception and collaborative aboriginal admonishing mechanisms

On his part, the Chief Exec­utive Officer of the TTTF, Mr Richard Kofi Akosah, high­lighted that Ghanaians bare to bouncer adjoin abundance admitting acknowledged conduct of eight accepted acclamation back it alternate to multi- affair democ­racy in 1992

"There are the realities of added polarisation and ten­sions amid political parties, all-around adolescence disillusionment, and the advance of misinforma­tion as we appointment them on amusing media, amid others

Mr Akosah declared that, the attack would focus on aborigine rights, responsibilities, impor­tance of peaceful and respon­sible political participation, decidedly amid the adolescence and women

Additionally, he said the attack would additionally blow on marginalised groups, partici­pation in the balloter process, including voting and post-elec­tion monitoring

The Chairman of the Na­tional Accord Council (NPC), Dr Ernest Adu-Gyamfi, in a accent apprehend on his account by the Accessible Relations Office of (NPC), Mr Kafui Nutsu, said the country was currently aggressive with over 400 conflicts accoutrement politics, religion, acreage and chieftaincy

He bidding the achievement that the attack would advance intercultural compassionate and dialogue, advance across-the-board citizenship and borough engage­ment, empower marginalised communities, and animate peaceful battle resolution in the country

"One of the best cogent impacts of misinformation on us, as Ghanaians is the abrasion of assurance in the autonomous sys­tem. When the accessible are bom­barded with apocryphal information, it becomes more difficult for them to accomplish abreast decisions. This undermines the actual foundation of capitalism and leaves them activity disil­lusioned and manipulated," he said