Participants at the 9th ECOW­AS Bounded Electricity Authoritative (ERERA) forum, captivated in Accra, accept apprenticed mem­ber states to adjust their civic electricity behavior with bounded frameworks for accepted regulato­ry standards, to facilitate cross-bor­der electricity trade

They additionally alleged for added oppor­tunities to enhance the accommodation of bounded institutions like the arrangement bazaar abettor of the bounded electricity bazaar and ERERA, to baby-sit and alike electricity barter activities

These institutions should be empowered to accomplish acquiescence and boldness disputes

The alarm was in a resolution pre­sented to the appointment afterwards two canicule of deliberations and acceptance of measures, appear the operation of accepted electricity bazaar amid affiliate states. The accident was beneath the theme, "Electricity barter aegis in the ECOWAS Region: The coaction amid civic behavior and chargeless bazaar principles." It focused on the afterward sub-themes, Chargeless Bazaar Attempt and Electricity Trade, challenges and opportunities in the bounded electricity barter civic Behavior against Bounded Competitive Market: Practices in the ECOWAS Region, Technological Innovations and Basement Development for Enhanced Activity Security

The participants aggregate opinions on the appliance of chargeless bazaar attempt to electricity trade, decidedly the allowances and risks of implementing these attempt in the ECOWAS arena and the regu­latory frameworks of the Bounded Electricity Market

They additionally discussed how to ensure the aegis of electricity accumulation in a liberalised bazaar by ex­amining the appulse of cross-border electricity barter on civic aegis and the role of bounded coopera­tion in acceptable all-embracing electricity accumulation security

The participants apprenticed for the prioritising of manual and administration basement invest­ments to actualize a reliable and in­terconnected electricity filigree beyond the ECOWAS region, which should absorb both advance absolute basement and developing new projects

They alleged for the bit-by-bit im­plemention of a phased admission to bazaar liberalisation, by ensuring that all-important authoritative and in­stitutional frameworks are in abode afore absolutely aperture markets with pilot programmes and incremental reforms to advice administer the transi­tion smoothly

The participants apprenticed for the development of bounded strategies to ensure activity security, including about-face of activity sources, enactment of cardinal reserves, and bounded cooperation on emer­gency acknowledgment mechanisms

They acclaimed that the encourage­ment and development of finan­cial instruments and incentives to allure advance in the electricity area would be an added advan­tage which charge accommodate exploring opportunities for attenuated finance, leveraging both accessible and clandestine area funding

The participants advocated the able implemention of these recommendations, so that ECOW­AS affiliate states could enhance electricity barter security, advance bread-and-butter growth, and advance admission to reliable and affordable electricity beyond the region

The appointment was abounding by reg­ulators, operators and government assembly from ECOWAS countries including Benin, Cape Verde, Coted'Ivoire,The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea Bissau,Guinea, Liberia, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo with represen­tatives from Mauritania and Algeria Others participants were the West Africa Gas Pipeline Authority (WAGPA), the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Activity and Activity Efficiency (ECREEE), the West Africa Power Pool (WAPP), the OMVG, the OMVS, TransCo CLSG, CEB, the GIZ, USAID, AFD and added development partners