THE active acquaintance of the National Demo­cratic Congress (NDC), Professor Jane Naana Opoku- Agyemang, has alleged on the electorates to adios any vote-buying inducements by the cardinal party

She warned that such induce­ments alone accompany hardships and abjure them allusive develop­ment and bigger affection of life

Addressing a association durbar at Budumbram, in the Gomoa East Constituency, on Monday, as allotment of her three-day attack bout of the Central Region, Prof. Opoku- Agyemang, acclaimed that accompaniment assets should be acclimated to cre­ate jobs for the adolescence but not be aggregate for vote-buying on acclamation day as the cardinal NPP intends doing

"The money they will accompany cannot sustain you for a day, and such money cannot body your polyclinic. It cannot assemble your road, and it cannot additionally fix the afflictive academy barrio that abuse the activity of your wards; the 200, 500 Ghana Cedis can­not fix them," she said

Prof. Opoku-Agyemang explained that acceptable babyminding is back there is a able action in abode to accommodate a bigger activity for all Ghanaians as the NDC has promised to do with the 24-hour Economy, the Women's Development Bank, and the Big Push action for massive infra­structure development beyond the country

She apprenticed electorates to vote massively for the NDC flagbearer, Mr John Dramani Mahama, in the accessible De­cember 7 accepted elections and the Gomoa East aldermanic candidate, Desmond De-Graft Paitoo to accompany development to the area