Six staff of the Trauma and Specialist Hospital at Win­neba in the Central region have been implicated in the case of a transfer of a patient from the facility in June this year, leading to her death.

This follows the conclusion of investigations by the Ghana Health Service (GHS) into the matter which revealed grave misconduct on the part of hospital officials who they did not act appropriately in the transfer process to Ojobi, where the patient was negligently abandoned and died.

In a statement issued on Tues­day, the Ministry of Health (MOH) disclosed that it had referred the case to the Criminal Investiga­tions Department (CID) of the Ghana Police Service and Attorney General's Department for further investigations and action. "The Ministry is of the view that in light of the gravity of the issue captured in the report, involving the loss of life, further investigations should be carried out by the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice.

Consequently, the MOH has requested the assistance of the AG to initiate an investigation into the case to determine the culpability or otherwise of the affected staff and take further action deemed appropriate." The Ministry reiterated its ded­ication to upholding the highest standards of healthcare delivery and ensuring that the tragic cir­cumstances leading to this incident are not repeated.