The Deputy Chairman of the Bawumia attack team, , has befuddled his weight abaft President Nana Akufo-Addo over his position on who founded Ghana

The President asserts that Dr. Kwame Nkrumah is not the sole architect of Ghana, appropriately acclimation August 4 as a approved anniversary to bless Ghana's founders

To the President, the attempt for ability was a aggregate one, appropriately he recognizes the efforts of all those who helped Nkrumah accomplish his aim

"I allege to you this evening, abnegation absolutely the angle that one man founded Ghana. While Kwame Nkrumah's contributions to our ability are undeniable, it is important to accede for ourselves that the attempt for our nation's abandon was a aggregate accomplishment spanning several generations." "The accumulation of the Aborigines Rights Protection Society, the British West African National Congress, the United Gold Coast Convention, the assignment of endless unsung heroes, and the adamant spirit of our bodies all played basic genitalia in bringing us to abandon and independence," the President said

He concluded, "Kwame Nkrumah, with his absorbing abstracted leadership, was assuredly a above amateur in the final lap of our adventure to independence, and that is why, admitting the several adverse things that happened afterwards ability beneath his watch, Parliament in 2019 absitively to approach his date of bearing as Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Day, the alone Ghanaian so far to be so honoured in our history." Discussing this amount during Tuesday's copy of the "Kokrokoo" appearance on Peace FM, acclaimed the President for allotment August 4, saying, "I abutment the date absolutely and I abutment the bulge accustomed to Nkrumah by accepting his altogether as a appropriate day to admit his leadership." He explained why August 4 was fixed, advertence the date is cogent because it is on this day that "the aboriginal political affair to action for ability was formed, and that political affair brought Kwame Nkrumah." To those who are calling out President Akufo-Addo over his statements on Founders' Day, questioned, "What is the botheration with August 4 (holiday)?"