The University of Ghana (UG) has paid accolade to the acclaimed backward Folklore Professor, and bookish luminary John Maxwell Assimeng.

On Friday, August 2, the administration of the arch university clearly renamed the library of its Administration of Folklore afterwards the backward professor.

This comes afterwards the accouchement of the backward Assistant - Shirley Assimeng Stobie, Sylvia Assimeng Archer and Dr (Mrs) Joycelyn Assimeng Dame's accommodation to clean and re-equip the library.

The affectionate action aims to mark the 10th Anniversary of the afterlife of the assistant who anesthetized abroad a decade ago, in July.

The library underwent advance above-mentioned to the renaming. The exoteric of the absolute library architecture and three added appointment spaces were repainted. Added refurbishments accommodate adapted avant-garde tiles, new lighting, air conditioning, new accumulator lockers for acceptance and new books.

Chairperson for the break and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ghana, Assistant Nana Aba Appiah Amfo, addressed the gathering.

Professor Nana Aba Appiah Amfo acclaimed that the advance of the library by the ancestors of Assistant Assimeng avalanche aural the University of Ghana's cardinal plan which was launched two weeks ago and took aftereffect on 1 August 2024.

In the cardinal plan, Assistant Aba Appiah Amfo said UG affairs to accomplish all-around appulse through avant-garde research, teaching and acquirements application a technology apprenticed and a people-centred approach.

"If we attending at what his (Professor Assimeng) activity stood for, what we accept heard this morning, what we are about to see with this refurbished library, we can see that we (University of Ghana) are appropriate on course," Assistant Nana Aba Appiah Amfo said.

"I like to assure the ancestors that we accomplish to booty acceptable affliction of what you accept provided for us. We seek to abide to accomplice with you with attention to the aliment of this facility. But we accept the primary albatross to ensure that aback you appear aback actuality in two years from now or bristles years from now, this library is not dilapidated," she added.

Guests at the commemoration included the Chief Justice of the Republic, Her Ladyship Justice Gertrude Araba Sackey Torkornoo, Senior Presidential Advisor and constant acquaintance of the backward Professor, Yaw Osafo Marfo, above Speaker of Parliament, Assistant Mike Ocquaye, arresting bookish and politician, Assistant George Hagan.

The others are Prof Kwame Karikari, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, Minister for Works and Housing, Francis Asenso Boakye, Minister for Roads and Highways, Diana Asonaba Dapaah, Deputy Minister for Justice and Deputy Attorney General, amid others.

Head of the Administration of Sociology, Assistant Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya, additionally continued his acknowledgment to the ancestors of the asleep for their accommodation to clean the library of the Folklore department.

"The Department's accommodation to honour Prof. Assimeng has yielded some absolute results. The ancestors has appear alternating to clean the department's library. The library has undergone a abstruse transformation. The attic has absolutely afflicted with new tiles. There is a new base arrangement that connects about every bench to ability to accredit users affix to their gadgets.

"There are newer and bigger bookshelves, and a new aloof area for the works of Assistant Assimeng. The absolute appliance has been afflicted completely. There are twelve new lockers for acceptance to accumulate their accoutrements and added items whilst in the library, appropriately ensuring aegis of valuables. The lighting arrangement has additionally witnessed a arresting change. There are two new air conditioners and two new desktops for the library," Assistant Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya said.

Professor Anamzoya appear that, Assistant Assimeng's ancestors has additionally instituted an anniversary accolade arrangement alleged the John Maxwell Assimeng Accolade for the Best Female Student in Sociology. An antecedent drop of $2,500 has already been paid into the accounts of the College of Humanities for the abutting bristles years.

"This is a huge absolution to the Department, but added importantly, afterwards the Administration accustomed this accolade scheme, two added families unbeknown to anniversary other, accept additionally brought belletrist to the Department, cogent their admiration and alertness to convention abstracted accolade schemes in the Department. I angle on account of the Administration of Folklore to accurate our sincerest acknowledgment to the Assimeng ancestors for all these absolute things, Assistant Anamzoya added stated.

"I appetite to assure them that the refurbished library would be put to the best use for acceptance and faculty, and added affiance them that the accolade would be accustomed uncompromisingly to the absolute being admirable it. I appetite to appetite acceptance in accurate to handle every account in the library with added affliction in adjustment to bottle the ability for approaching generations," he added.

Beacon of knowledge

Dr Mrs Jocelyn Assimeng Dame, babe of Assistant Maxwell Assimeng and wife of the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Godfred Yeboah Dame, in a account eulogized her backward ancestor acquainted that he was added than a assistant of sociology.

"He was a alarm of ability and kindness. From apprehensive ancestry - beggared of bookish accessory apprenticeship - he accomplished the accomplished bookish heights possible, earning a capital amount at the University of Ghana and proceeding to Oxford University, UK, area he excelled and acquired his PhD.

"Driven by his adulation for his motherland, affection for apprenticeship and the admiration to boost others, he alternate actuality to advise and committed the blow of his activity to the University of Ghana. He was adherent to advancing ability and convalescent society, as beautifully eulogised by colleagues, students, and his family.

"He encouraged endless acceptance to dream big, assignment hard, and strive for excellence. His affection continued above his able life; he alike took it aloft himself to abutment the apprenticeship of added ancestors members. His charge to education, indeed, knew no bounds," Dr Mrs Jocelyn Assimeng Dame remarked.

"Renovating this library has been a labour of love, a accolade to a man who believed apprenticeship was the key to unlocking one's abeyant and liberation from the shackles of poverty. We capital to actualize a amplitude that preserves his anamnesis and serves as a altar of ability and inspiration, aloof as he envisioned.

"This exercise is not alone our charge to the fulfilment of his vision, but additionally our little badge of acknowledgment for the association in which we grew up and accept lived for added than bisected of our corresponding lives. It is our adventure to added his eyes of a apple area ability is attainable and account are exchanged freely," Dr Jocelyn Assimeng Dame added remarked.

The backward Assistant Assimeng was one of Ghana's foremost sociologists and lectured at the Administration of Folklore for over 45 years.