Former Special Prosecutor, , has criticised the Office of the Special Prosecutor's recent report on the Airbus investigations, calling it 'a gargatuan hoax, hollow, and politically-motivated.' In a statement issued by Amidu on Thursday, October 2, 2024, he expressed his disappointment after reviewing the report, which was published on August 8, 2024. "I read the Office of the Special Prosecutor's (OSP) 'Report of Investigation into Alleged Bribery of Ghanaian officials by Airbus SE' dated 8 August 2024 for the first time on September 21, 2024 and was left in no doubt that the OSP report is a gargantuan hoax, hollow, politically motivated and smacks of an instrument of collusive election interference by the OSP in the 2024 elections," he said.

He argued that the report was meant to influence the outcome of the pending elections, noting the content and timing, claiming it lacks objectivity and is driven by political interests. "As the Special Prosecutor at the time, I was castigated by the NPP Government and accused of aiding the NDC because of my antecedents.

Come the election year of 2024, the OSP ignores the precedent set by the office and published a cooked up report on August 8, 2024, intended to clear sweethearts from lingering suspicion by suppressing an objective analysis of the available implicating evidence on the case docket and selectively .

The political conduct by the OSP in using the 8 August 2024 OSP report to interfere in the 2024 elections, which the 1992 Constitution demands to be open, transparent, free, and fair," it stated.