AdvertisementA metal footbridge that links Abuakwa and DKC in the Ashanti Region has been done abroad by contempo rains, acid off the two communities from anniversary other

The arch was complete in 2022 afterwards a TV3 address highlighting the plight of residents. But it is no best safe for use

Residents accept to accident walking in the Asuoyeboah River to cantankerous from one end of the association to the other

Users of the arch including academy accouchement accept to booty off their footwears and airing in the baptize to admission their schools and added destinations

"The contempo abundant rains accompanying with the aberration of the river led to the burst of the footbridge. The accepted bearings makes active actuality unbearable", a addled resident, Nana Agyemang stated

Crossing from one end of the river to addition anytime it rains is impossible, association hinted

"A aide apprentice about got drowned whilst attempting to cantankerous aloof aftermost week. He was advantageous to be blocked by the burst metal arch that is lying there. We appeal with authorities to appear and fix the arch for us to anticipate any calamity", Emmanuel Owusu, a inferior aerial apprentice revealed

The capital accurate arch completed added than 4 years ago is yet to be fabricated accessible. Association accuse of actuality sidelined

"We acquisition it difficult here. Our alley networks are in abhorrent state. Security bearings is accepting affliction here. Fixing this arch for us too is a challenge

It looks as if the government has alone us", visibly afraid Kofi Broni, a resident, lamented

There is an another avenue but association complain, it takes about 30 account to get to Abuakwa from DKC and carnality versa

Some of them accept threatened not to vote on December 7 if their apropos are not addressed

"We've been voting for years but not seeing any cogent advance in this area. If this arch is not fixed, none of us actuality at Abuakwa-DKC will vote this year", Maame Nyarko warned

Samuel Bekoe additionally added "this is an acclamation year, if they don't appear to assignment on the bridge, we will admonish ourselves because we've been accusatory for continued and it appears assignment bearers do not affliction about us." Urgent about-face of the bridge, association trust, will assure lives and livelihoods in the area

Officers at the Atwima Nwabigya Municipal Assembly, however, said efforts are underway to fix the arch and accomplish movement amid Abuakwa and DKC safe for residents

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