
Medical outreach to mark 10th anniversary of Buipewura Jinapor II

Medical outreach to mark 10th anniversary of Buipewura Jinapor II

Over 600  people benefited from a free medical outreach organised by the Medical Rescue Group (MRG) on the 1st of December, 2018 at the Jinapor Stadium in Buipe as part of activities to make the 10th anniversary of the reign of His Royal Majesty Buipewura Jinapor II who would hold a grand durbar on the 8th of December, 2018 to crown the celebrations.

Services provided included breast screening, consultation, assessment of vital signs, dispensing of essential medicines and voluntary counselling and testing for HIV. The ladies were also taught self-breast examination.

During a health talk, Dr. L.I. Adam-Zakariah, director of the MRG advised all present to minimise their intake of salt and encouraged all hypertensives and diabetics to remain compliant on their prescribed medication and to adhere strictly to their scheduled reviews at the hospital.

The eminent chief was thankful that the health personnel took time off their busy schedules to offer such service to the folks of Buipe and surrounding communities.

Medical Rescue Group

Medical Rescue Group

Medical Rescue Group


Original Story on: MyJoyOnline
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