'He was a truly unique and wonderful man' - Arms Around The Child eulogises Christian Atsu

'He was a truly unique and wonderful man' - Arms Around The Child eulogises Christian Atsu

He will live in our memories as one of the kindest, most talented, humble people to enter this world.

A young boy from poverty in Ghana who followed his dreams had an incredibly successful footballing career and used his talent and platform to help others.

Arms Around The Child were fortunate to have known Christian and will treasure his support for the children we look after, especially the children in Senya Beraku where Christian was building a school in the local community. 

Christian believed in giving children a brighter future and the opportunity to succeed.

He regularly organised for gifts and football equipment to be sent to the home and developed a very close relationship with the kids. 

In 2018 Christian and Arms Around The Child launched a campaign to build a new school in Senya to benefit orphaned children and the local community.

Together Arms Around The Child and Christian organized the Black Star Gala, a special fundraising event at the Hilton Hotel in Gateshead, Newcastle, to kickstart the fundraising effort for a new school.

Whenever Christian visited Senya, the children and the community were always so happy to see him.

The children looked up to him, he showed them that they can have dreams for a better future and that through education, dreams can be achieved.

This is why Christian was so passionate about building a school, he believed in education for all, especially as a way to solve problems and give kids a brighter future.

Christian was the main benefactor of the new school buildings in Senya. He always wanted to know how the children were doing and we would regularly update him on the progress of the school, which after years of building is finally nearing completion.

On Saturday 4th Feb 2023, just one day before his final game in which he scored a last-minute winning goal, he responded ‘Thank you for the update.

I will arrange some money so that we will be able to complete it fast, I am very happy with the progress.’ Later in the day, he emailed again to say that he would come to open the school in June and bring his Black Star friends.

This was our last correspondence with Christian; as always, he was thinking about the children and what he could do to help others.

The director of our home in Senya, Seth Asiedu had this message on behalf of all the children for Christian and his family:

‘Our heart is saddened by the news regarding our beloved bro, Christian Atsu.

We are proud of you and eternally grateful for the good work you did for us.’

Arms Around The Child will strive to honour Christian’s legacy by continuing to build and finish the school and support the children in Ghana towards brighter futures and opportunities in life.

Tags:   Arms Around The Child Christian Atsu

Source: MyJoyOnline

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