Why asaana drinkers may live long, with good mental health and eyesight

Why asaana drinkers may live long, with good mental health and eyesight

But do you know that fermented corn in Asaana could make you live longer?

Both probiotics are found in fermented foods.

The reason why fermented Asaana is beneficial is because of the natural probiotics they contain.

One study by Parvez et al.(2006) found that probiotics help in  “(i) improving intestinal tract health; (ii) enhancing the immune system, synthesizing and enhancing the bioavailability of nutrients; (iii) reducing symptoms of lactose intolerance, decreasing the prevalence of allergy in susceptible individuals; and (iv) reducing the risk of certain cancers.”

Three other studies (Ritchie and  Romanuk, 2012; King et al. 2014;  Sonestedt et al. 2011) found that Probiotics have been shown to improve immune function as well as digestive and heart health.  Also, a recent study by Obafemi et al.(2022) affirmed that in several African countries, traditional fermentation processes provide a means of food preservation, improving the shelf life and adding to the nutrients in the food products.

Probiotic bacteria not only balance the good bacteria in the gut, but they also help to “tune-up” the immune system.

One study by Ritchie and  Romanuk, (2012) found that during fermentation, the probiotics produced may aid in restoring the balance of friendly bacteria in the gut and deal with some digestive problems. 

Three studies (Hoveyda et al. 2009; Didari et al. 2015; Hungin et al. 2018) found that probiotics can reduce uncomfortable symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a common digestive disorder.

Another 6-week study by Guyonne et al.(2007) in 274 adults with IBS found that consuming 4.4 ounces (125 grams) of yogurt-like fermented milk daily enhanced IBS symptoms, plus bloating and stool frequency.

Four studies (Dimidi et al. 2014; Eales et al. 2016; Guarino et al. 2009; Miller et al. 2019) found that fermented foods could decrease diarrhea, bloating, gas, and constipation.

Finally, drinking Asaana enhances immunity.

For instance, three studies( Ozen et al. 2015; Wang et al. 2016; Hao et al. 2011) found that due to the abundance of probiotics in fermented drinks such as Asaana, can enhance our immune system and decrease our risk of infections like the common cold.

 It has also been confirmed that consuming probiotic drinks helps one to recover faster from illnesses( King et al. 2014; E Guillemard et al. 2010; Vrese et al. 2006).

Finally, three studies (Wintergerst et al. 2007; Maggini et al. 2007; Hemilä and  Chalker, 2013) have confirmed that diverse fermented drinks are rich in vitamin C, iron, and zinc, which help to boost the immunity system.

Take Home

Studies have demonstrated the many benefits of fermented drinks such as Asaana.

Source: MyJoyOnline
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