I don’t eat meat because of my fibroid – Adina reveals

I don’t eat meat because of my fibroid – Adina reveals

Adina Thembi, a South African musician of Ghanaian descent who has won several awards, claims she no longer enjoys eating meat after being diagnosed with a fibroid and then undergoing surgery.

“After having a fibroid removed from my body, I decided to give up eating meat.

I did it because I examined it after surgery and found that it looked like flesh.

During Hammer Time, Adina shared her story with Hammer Nti.

“I’ve been warned that eating red meat might increase my risk of developing fibroids; therefore, I really need to cut down.

She emphasized, “I haven’t eaten red meat since 2021; I have no idea whether that’s genuine or not.

Adina also said that she was a little concerned about continuing her singing career after a fibroid made it appear like she was pregnant.

For the purpose of education, fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop in or around the womb (uterus).

Source: Ghbase
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