Moesha Boduong throws shots at Salma Mumin over small nyash surgery

Moesha Boduong throws shots at Salma Mumin over small nyash surgery

Moesha Boduong has dismissed her former bestie, Salma Mumin, accusing her of disliking her because, despite her best efforts, Salma cannot be as beautiful as she is.

According to Moesha, her buddy imitated her by having bum surgery, but after failing to obtain the same results, their so-called friendship turned to hatred.

Boduong made all of these claims in a social media post that quickly went viral.

People, she claims, replicate anything she does and then despise her when the outcomes aren’t as good as hers.

As a reminder, Moesha and Salma Mumin were close friends when they both had small nyash.

But along the line, Moesha decided first to work on her small nyash via surgery and become a pioneer in the game of body enhancement.

Fast forward: Salma Mumim also had surgery to augment her small nyash; however, unfortunately for her, the surgeon did a bad job on her nyash and hips are pretty unsettling.

Check out her post full of shade below.



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Source: Ghbase
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