52-Year-Old Woman Cries For Help After Her Family Demanded $3,000 As Bride Price

52-Year-Old Woman Cries For Help After Her Family Demanded $3,000 As Bride Price

A 52-year-old Ghanaian woman based abroad, who plans to marry her fiance has expressed her disdain at her family’s insistence that he pay a whooping $3000 as the bride price.

The woman claims that she considers her lover’s attempt to get married as a favor because she is getting close to retirement age and he might have pursued a younger, more attractive woman.

She became so enraged that she vented on social media, questioning whether her family members were content for her to stay single and for that reason had decided to scare off a prospective husband by offering an astronomical bride price.

She bemoaned the fact that her significant other was also dissatisfied with the $3,000 bride price and had made up his mind not to pay until her family reduced the sum.

Many Ghanaians have responded to her outburst, with some expressing agreement with her worries that paying the man so much to get married would be the same as selling her.

Some have even advised her to disregard her family and go to court to have a straightforward and affordable civil union.

A legal marriage ceremony recognized by Ghanaian and international law is called a court wedding.

It ensures that your marriage is legally recognized and supported, providing you with the same benefits and rights as conventionally married couples.

Recently, some Ghanaian couples have been using that option to get married without incurring the astronomical costs associated with other types of nuptials.

Source: Ghbase
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