Good Guys Are Too Boring, I Love Crazy, Toxic Men - Blessing CEO

Good Guys Are Too Boring, I Love Crazy, Toxic Men - Blessing CEO

She explained that good men who treat women well make the relationship too boring and as a result she avoids such men.


She added that she prefers dating men who are crazy, toxic, dramatic and sweet.

Blessing explained that such men bring a lot of fire and spark to the relationship.


The interesting thing about her issue is that she vowed to stop dating toxic men after her husband abused her and beat her to stupor.


The actor has insisted that his marriage to his first wife, May, is still intact, calling himself a “proud polygamist.”


“Blessings for me, blessings for my wife Queen May to calm her down, because as a human being, she’ll definitely not be happy about it, and blessings for my wife Judy as well.

“Dear Lord, I acknowledge your abundant blessings in my life, and in my family and I just want to say THANK YOU, LORD

Source: Ghbase
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