Nana Agradaa's church is a big scam, here's how she operates it- Nana Brown shares chilling details

Nana Agradaa's church is a big scam, here's how she operates it- Nana Brown shares chilling details

Naana Brown is a popular social media influencer who takes on celebs and exposes their stinking hypocrisy and fake lifestyles.

She has just confirmed the huge perception most of us have about Nana Agradaa, now Evangelist Patricia Oduro Koranteng since her fake conversion from being a fetish priest to Christianity.

In this video she shared, she revealed the huge scam that shrouds Nana Agradaa’s Ministry and how she buses people from the village to fill her church auditorium

She suggested that Agradaa pays these people to come to the church and partake in the foolery such as fake miracles she enacts in the church.

Source: Ghbase
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