Adenta: We want our roads fixed immediately - Residents

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Some residents of the Adenta Municipality, calling themselves fix the Botwe roads now movement, has begun an online campaign to get the roads the area fixed.
In an interview with Joy News, a member of the group Nii Roy Ankrah said the municipality needs the roads fixed immediately

'We are trying to reach out to various authorities and we got mixed feedbacks from them, on the one hand, it seems they are not ready to do anything. We have written to them and it has been ignored some people have heard from them and have been heard from them saying its in the pipeline, we want it to come out of the pipeline and come into reality because we have endured this for a very long time''.

''We are in a community with 1300 people in the Adenta municipal area and all the roads are bad.We need the roads fixed immediately, we want action the talk is too much,''he said.

Meanwhile, the Member of Parliament for Adenta Yaw Buabeng Asamoah addressing the media after parliamentary proceedings announced that works on major roads in the municipality will be completed soon.

''I want to assure all of you that happily the contract was awarded last year, the contractor has been on site and is going to deliver an asphaltic concrete overlay from RIIS junction all the way through school junction and beyond''.

''People of Ashaley botwe, those of you who use the road regularly, those of you who live near the road please relax, and be assured that the road is under construction its been awarded to Justmoh Construction limited, Justmoh is on top of the game and it will be done''.

Frequent pedestrian hits on the Adenta highway in 2018 sparked wild protests, forcing protesters to block the road, demanding an immediate action from the authorities to fix the neglected highway to avert pedestrian knockdowns which the highway has notoriously become known for.

Residents of the Adentan municipality used rocks, mini billboards, yellow gallons, wooden boards to block the highway and prevented vehicles from moving in either direction as they [protesters] chanted “fix our footbridges, fix our footbridges.”

According to reports from January 2018, about 118 deaths were recorded through vehicular knockdowns on the stretch whilst others put the total death toll within a year at 190.

The continuous appeals and agitation by the people subsequently attracted the attention of the Minister of Roads, Mr Kwesi Amoako Atta, who announced the resumption of work on the bridges this last year(2018).


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