Afia Schwarzenegger Flaunts Toyota Highlander Amidst Jonas Beef - Claims it's her New Car

Afia Schwarzenegger Flaunts Toyota Highlander Amidst Jonas Beef - Claims it's her New Car

The fake life for the gram continues – at this point you wonder why these celebrities keep bothering?

Afia Schwarzenegger is beefing – all of a sudden she has a new car to flaunt to troll him?

If only the real world worked so easily.

Afia has shown off a tear rubber Toyota Highlander on Instagram, claiming it is her new car.

Afia shared a video of herself at home as she walked out to the car.

She leans into the car to do whatever as someone films her from behind.

Afia made sure people know this is her new car, writing ‘My new b*tch’ on the video.

She added the caption: “Congratulations b*tches… let’s paint spintex with Sika..see u @shasha_wigs birthday party!!!!”

Watch Afia and her so-called new car below…

At this point, who can even count the number of cars Afia Schwarzenegger has flaunted online, claiming it is hers?

By just my count she has flaunted a G-Wagon, a, a BMW X6 and others we can’t even remember over the years.

These cars just magically appear then

You can trust this Toyota Highlander is not going to last as a property of Valentina Nana Agyeiwaa.

The only reason she’s showing it off now is that she claims Twene Jonas, who she’s beefing,

In contrast, she is rich and fulfilled in Ghana. She already flaunted her house to mock Jonas and is now flaunting new vehicles.

But we all know this is all audio – the Ghanaian celebrity lifestyle is full of fake flashiness.

I’m not the one who’s even saying it –

It’s all for the gram so don’t follow these folks and put any unneccessary pressure on yourself.


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