OSP bemoans limited power in conducting lifestyle audit

OSP bemoans limited power in conducting lifestyle audit

“We’ve noticed something that we do not have when the lawmaker was putting together the Office of the Special Prosecutor Act; they took something very key out of it which in implementing our law we’ve discovered that it shouldn’t have been done which is what we call the unexplained wealth order.


They are more complicated, they have more money, and they have more people

They can get the best lawyers and all that

And this is the provision that would have helped us to do a lifestyle audit in a better way

Currently, even if you are doing a lifestyle audit, the onus lies on us throughout the entire investigation, to show to the court how they committed the corruption.

Samuel Darko also highlighted the challenges they face in line with their work, where individuals try to create a negative perception of their office, in an effort to taint the reputation of their outfit.

“And then we also faced what we call sponsored attacks and propaganda where those who are very rich and powerful when we are investigating them, they tend to be able to offer some monetary incentives to Journalists and they will consistently be attacking them, spewing counter and false information against your outfit all in the hope to create that impression that we are all the same

Source: Citi Newsroom
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