Reestablishing nutritional balance after Ramadan: Tips and practices for a balanced diet and smooth transition

Reestablishing nutritional balance after Ramadan: Tips and practices for a balanced diet and smooth transition

How can one make this transition without any hiccups and adopt behaviors that promote a healthy diet while avoiding post-Ramadan nutritional pitfalls?


CISSOKO, Nutritionist at Nestlé CWAR (Central and West Africa), provides some insights for a harmonious transition to a balanced diet after Ramadan.


Water, on the other hand, is your best ally for a smooth transition before returning to a normal diet.

It is important to note that physical exercise is of paramount importance in the context of a balanced diet.

Ensuring a Good Variety of Foods: After Ramadan, it is essential to maintain a balanced diet by ensuring the inclusion of a variety of foods to guarantee an adequate intake of essential nutrients

Listening to Your Body: Relearning to listen to hunger and satiety signals is a valuable skill to adjust your diet to your true needs.

Planning to Avoid Slip-Ups: Anticipating and preparing meals is an effective strategy to stick to a balanced diet and avoid impulsive food choices.

Source: Citi Newsroom
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