The unintended consequences of severing electricity supply to Niger amidst recent coup [Article]

The unintended consequences of severing electricity supply to Niger amidst recent coup [Article]

The recent coup in Niger has not only ignited political turmoil but has also cast its shadow on vital sectors like energy, with the abrupt severing of electricity supply?

This paper delves into the negative impact of disconnecting electricity supply to Niger in the wake of the coup4

Electricity is the heartbeat of modern societies, powering health care facilities, communication networks, water supply systems, and economic activities.

The abrupt cessation of electricity delivery in Niger due to the coup ripples through every facet of daily life, exacerbating existing challenges and creating new ones.


Hospitals and clinics heavily rely on uninterrupted electricity supply for medical equipment, life-saving procedures, and refrigeration of medicines.

The negative impact of severing electricity supply to Niger in the aftermath of the coup cannot be underestimated

International organizations, neighboring countries, and diplomatic efforts must collaborate to restore electricity supply swiftly, ensuring that the crisis does not morph into a humanitarian catastrophe

Source: Citi Newsroom
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