GPRTU calls for urgent measures to address flooding at Anloga Junction

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The leadership of the Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU) at Anloga Junction in Kumasi has made calls to the government to urgently put measures in place to address flooding in the area.


This comes after some cars at the Anloga Junction GPRTU station got submerged in flood waters following a heavy downpour on the evening of March 8.

As a result of the flood, commuters, and transport operators in the area were unable to use the Anloga Junction to Adum stretch for a while, as they had to wait for the waters to recede.

The Vice Chairman of the Anloga Junction chapter of the GPRTU, Kwabena Kyei told Citi News that the development has adversely affected their activities since some cars have been affected and broken down as a result.

We had some four to five cars that were affected by the flood waters, and we reported the incident to the Oforikrom Municipal Assembly.

“The whole problem is the drainage, we have a drainage system here that is heavily choked and is unable to contain the flood waters and that makes water come into the streets, and so we are appealing to the Assembly to come and dredge to help solve the situation.”

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