Adentan: Pedestrians abandon footbridges, cross road at unapproved sections

Adentan: Pedestrians abandon footbridges, cross road at unapproved sections

Despite the completion of three out of the six footbridges on the Adentan-Madina Highway, some recalcitrant pedestrians are still crossing the road at unauthorized places.

This situation is posing a serious danger to themselves and motorists.

Citi News’ Ann-Shiley Ziwu who was on the stretch reported that the pedestrians some of whom protested last November over the non-completion of the footbridges and the alarming fatalities recorded on the road are now engaging in such acts of carelessness at their own peril.

A pedestrian who crossed the road at an unapproved section of the road told Citi News that; “I was in the rush to go and get something that is why I crossed the road without using the footbridge. But I made sure I used the traffic light which had turned red at the time. I know it is dangerous but I don’t do that all the time. Sometimes, I even encourage people to use the footbridge.”

“There have been complaints that the footbridge is too long. I was able to see clearly on the road so that is why I decided to use the road other than the footbridge because I was in a hurry. But if anything happens to me, I should be blamed.” another person stated.

But there are others who maintained that this is a risk they cannot afford to take.

“It is dangerous to use the road so I always use the footbridge to ensure my safety so no vehicle knocks me down.”

“Anything can happen to you whilst crossing the road so I think it is better to use the footbridge. Ghanaians will complain about the nature of the footbridge but if they will walk on it and prevent accidents, it is better”, one other resident said.

While this troubling situation lingers on, resident engineer, Samsudin Issah has made some suggestions that would force pedestrians to abide by the laws.

“We intend to fence the whole median to make it inaccessible for those who use the road. We will demarcate zebra crossings to allow pedestrians to cross.”

Source: AsempaNews

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