Illuminating the future – The Holy Child School’s solar project revolution

Illuminating the future – The Holy Child School’s solar project revolution

In the heart of increased financial difficulties and lowering standards of education, stands a beacon of innovation and sustainability, thanks to the vision and generosity of a distinguished alumna of the Holy Child School – HOPSA 1999, RED ladies. .

The Holy Child School, a revered institution known for its commitment to excellence and holistic education for girls in Ghana, has taken a giant leap into the future with the completion of a groundbreaking solar energy project.

But the ambition doesn’t stop here; the ultimate goal is for Holy Child School to become a net producer of energy, creating a sustainable cycle that not only benefits the school but also contributes to the community, through the net metering project being embarked upon by the Ministry of Energy in Ghana.

The HOPSA (Holy Child Past Students Association- 1999) RED ladies behind this initiative have done this with a lot of passion, determination, and love for the school.

The RED ladies plan to foster a culture of sustained mentorship through yearly events, ensuring that the benefits of this project enrich the lives of students not just environmentally and economically, but also academically and personally

On this significant day of 8th March 2024, coinciding with International Women’s Day, the HOPSA 99 RED ladies, will host a lavish ceremony to officially unveil the solar project

The HOPSA 99 RED ladies, as the alumnae spearheading this initiative are known to be Remarkable Empowered and Determined and will leverage this momentum to ignite a flame of passion for sustainability, mentorship, and leadership among the students.


Source: Ameyawdebrah
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