My efforts led to remarkable transformation in Appiatse – Lands Minister

My efforts led to remarkable transformation in Appiatse – Lands Minister

Through collaborative efforts with local committees and key stakeholders, Appiatse has undergone significant development and is thriving.


I went with him to assess the situation.”

“But initially what they did for the resettling of the victims was to liaise with the Catholic Church, they gave us a hall to house them temporarily.”

Temporary housing arrangements were made in collaboration with local organizations, while efforts were made to secure more permanent solutions through partnerships with private entities like Future Global Resources.

“And then we rented tents with NADMO and of course, if you know the climate of that place, it rains heavily, even yesterday it rained, so once the rain was settling in we needed to get them some permanent temporary accommodation and then we have to liaise with (FGR) Future Global Resources which is a large scale mining company in that area.

He mentioned his intention to establish an implementation committee and formed one with representatives from various groups including LUSPA, AESL, the Architect Association of Ghana, and Member of Parliament Benito Owusu Bio, who also happens to be a surveyor.

He added that the government or the ministry had nothing to do with the expenditure, stating that “we were not to be the spending office, and we were not to get involved whatsoever in any penny that would be spent on the reconstruction of this building.

Source: AdomOnline
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