Ejisu drivers threaten strike over high fuel costs - Adomonline.com

Ejisu drivers threaten strike over high fuel costs - Adomonline.com

Commercial drivers at Ejisu in the Ashanti region will embark on an industrial action beginning next Monday over escalating fuel prices. 


“The recent increase in fuel prices has significantly impacted our income, as a substantial portion is now diverted towards fuel expenses on a daily basis

However, he believes that by taking this action, passengers will better understand the challenges they face and empathize with them, which can ultimately lead to increased pressure on the government to find a resolution.

“If we opt to cease our operations, it will undoubtedly impact our passengers who rely on our services for their transportation requirements

By taking this collective action, we believe our passengers will emphasize with our plight and join us in urging the government to find a better solution, as they too will feel the repercussions of any disruption in transportation services,” he highlighted. 

According to Michael Fosu, the drivers are willing to adjust fares in line with fuel price fluctuation but require clear communication and cooperation from the government. 

” If the government reduces fuel prices, we will gladly reduce transportation fares to alleviate the burden on passengers but if fuel prices continue to rise unchecked, we will have no choice than to raise fares to cover our costs,” he asserted. 

Source: AdomOnline
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