Pension crisis: Gov't owes SSNIT billions of cedis - GNAT

Pension crisis: Gov't owes SSNIT billions of cedis - GNAT

The recent revelations about Ghana’s Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) paint a concerning picture of the pension system.

The General Secretary of the Ghana National Association of Teachers, Thomas Musah, has highlighted the magnitude of the issue, emphasizing that it is not a new problem but one that has been warned about in previous reports.


The issue is further complicated by the nature of SSNIT’s pension scheme, which promises fixed benefits regardless of the fund’s performance.

Furthermore, the disparity between the retirement benefits of Article 71 officeholders and those under Article 190 highlights the inequalities within the pension system.

Parliament, civil society organizations, the media, and the workforce must all prioritize this issue

It is not just about the future; it is about ensuring that retirees can maintain a decent standard of living and that the pension system remains sustainable for generations to come.

Ghana cannot afford to ignore this issue any longer

Source: AdomOnline
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