Headmistress of Nyevi M/A basic school appeals for infrastructure

Headmistress of Nyevi M/A basic school appeals for infrastructure

She emphasizes the critical need for infrastructure to facilitate effective teaching and learning in the school.


During an interview with Adom News correspondent, Odehyeba Owusu Job, Mrs

Esenam noted that the shortage of furniture, worsens the challenges faced in facilitating effective teaching and learning processes.

She said residents send their children to neighboring schools with better facilities due to the infrastructure challenge, deepening issues like absenteeism and teenage pregnancies in the area.

Benedicta Esenam passionately appealed for support to buy 200 dual desks to address the furniture deficit.

As an immediate measure, he said they would supply the school with 40 dual desks to alleviate the furniture shortage.

Esther Adzoa Yeboah-Adzimah echoed the call for assistance from NGOs, individuals, and institutions to aid solve the infrastructure challenge of the school.

Source: AdomOnline

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