Remains of missing lady found in boyfriend's refrigerator

Remains of missing lady found in boyfriend's refrigerator

She told police that she had not seen her daughter for about a year. 

An arrest warrant affidavit said that Schwab’s mother told police her daughter was living with her boyfriend and that he had allegedly been abusive to her.

3, Schwab’s mother told police that the boyfriend, 42-year-old Chad Stevens, had allegedly said sarcastically that he had killed the woman in a conversation to his daughter, who told his ex-wife.

According to investigators, Stevens allegedly told police that Schwab had died in July 2022 after slipping in the shower and hitting her head.

He allegedly claimed that, he hid her body in the refrigerator because he didn’t know what to do.

His neighbours said in interviews that Stevens had told them Schwab had died of cancer.

The Collin County Sheriff’s Office indicated that Stevens had been arrested 24 times just in that county for charges that included theft, DWI, assault, and engaging in criminal activity.

Source: AdomOnline
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