Over 250 motorbike riders arrested for jumping red light

Over 250 motorbike riders arrested for jumping red light

The Police, in April 2022, introduced “OPERATION PAARI,” a road safety intervention to check indiscipline among motorcycle users on our roads which was becoming a major cause of road traffic accidents in the country.


As part of the strategy, motorcycle users who were arrested in violation of road traffic regulations and other traffic offences within the period were sensitised and taken through some road traffic education and subsequently cautioned to be law-abiding.

Following the introduction of the initiative, it has been observed that a good number of riders are now obeying traffic regulations, especially in the areas of not jumping the red light, avoiding riding on pedestrian walkways and facing oncoming traffic.

The benefit of Operation PAARI is reflected in available data on road traffic accidents in the country which indicates that for the first time in a long while, road traffic crashes involving motorbikes have reduced significantly.

In the past three days over 250 motorbike riders have been arrested for jumping the red light at various traffic intersections in Accra

All the arrested riders will be taken through road safety education and the dangers their conduct pose to themselves and other road users; after which they will be taken through the due process of the law.

The service has commended all law-abiding riders for adhering to road traffic regulations and has cautioned recalcitrant riders against the blatant disregard for traffic regulations since the law will definitely catch up with them.

Source: AdomOnline
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