Style coach Ms Nancy explains the mood behind the president’s ‘orange’ look.

Style coach Ms Nancy explains the mood behind the president’s ‘orange’ look.

Renowned style coach and television presenter, Ms Nancy Adobea Anane, has commented on the president’s choice of orange colour over the last two months explaining the psychology behind it.

In an Instagram post, Ms.

Nancy elaborated on the emotional feeling and meaning behind the president’s selection of the colour orange.

“As a style coach, after I am done with finding my clients’ “wow colors”, colours that suit them, I explore with them the effects of colours on their mood and energy.

Within a space of 2 months, July and September, his Excellency, President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, has worn an orange shirt twice.


I can not confidently say it is the same shirt because in one picture, it looks BRIGHT orange, and in another, it looks BURNT orange.

Even though we say we are a poor country, the president can recycle the wardrobe after 3 months minimum.

“In a survey, people were asked to choose the colour they associated with words, and many thought the colour orange is associated with fun and happiness.

Frank Sinatra says, “ORANGE is the happiest colour.” Colors bring emotion and orange is the colour of COURAGE, CONFIDENCE, FRIENDLINESS, and SUCCESS.

This is a writeup from style coach Ms Nancy,” she stated.

Ms Nancy is a style coach and the head of wardrobe at Media General.

Source: 3News
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