Indonesian woman's body found inside python |

Indonesian woman's body found inside python |

A day later villagers found a python with what appeared to be a large stomach.

Locals later killed the snake and found her body inside.

“The victim was found in the snake’s stomach,” Betara Jambi police chief AKP S Harefa told local media outlets, adding that her body appeared to be largely intact when it was found.

He said the victim’s husband had on Sunday night found some of her clothes and tools she had used at the rubber plantation, leading him to call on a search party.

“After they cut the belly apart, they found it was Jahrah inside,” Mr Harefa told CNN Indoneisa.

Their jaws are connected by very flexible ligaments so they can stretch around large prey.

“In essence they can go as large as their prey goes,” said Mary-Ruth Low, conservation & research officer for Wildlife Reserves Singapore.

Source: 3News
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